Fri, 28 August 2015
Wheeeere aaaare you? Why do you hiiiide? That's right JBR army, it's time for us to review that most misunderstood of James Bond films, 1979's Moonraker. Until 2002, this film tended to be the butt of many a joke. "Bond in space? Come oooon" and "That's the crazy one that's a bit like Star Wars, right?" have been common remarks throughout the years. So it's time for Tom & Chris, your intrepid Bond reporters to revisit what was once one of the most controversial among fans and see how it stands up today. Sit down, strap in and see how many G's you can take! |
Fri, 21 August 2015
![]() JBR has been on leave for the last 3 weeks but as of today we're officially back to Bond it up! This week we have a big old catch up with Tom telling us all about his trip to see some killer Casino Royale locations in the Czech Republic along with some classic Living Daylights locations in Vienna. Chris tells us all about his Diamonds Are Forever pilgrimage to Amsterdam ("Who is your floor?"), we catch up on all the latest Bond news from Lazenby's recent visit to Piz Gloria to Jane Seymour's story about falling asleep whilst in bed with Sir Roger... ...And finally we reveal the details of a VERY special competition you won't want to miss! |