Fri, 30 October 2020
It's time for JBR to have it's final say on Die Another Day before next week's listener take over. Topics include Graves' Icelandic ice palace, tsunami parasailing, car chases on frozen lakes, Miranda Frosts fencing attire, diamonds in belly buttons, and much, much more. All this and more on this week's episode of James Bond Radio. *Edited by JBR Agent Michael Kirwan
Direct download: JBR193-Die-Another-Day-Review-Part-3.mp3
Category:TV/Film -- posted at: 12:30am UTC |
Fri, 23 October 2020
The long awaited JBR review of Die Another Day continues with the second act of the film. Topics include suspicious clinics in Havana, Jinx's magnificent high dive, the introduction of Gustav Graves, the sword fight at Blades, Madonna's cameo, Bond's invisible car, and much, much more. All this and more on this week's episode of James Bond Radio. Edited by JBR Agent Michael Kirwan
Direct download: JBR192-Die-Another-Day-Review-Part-2.mp3
Category:TV/Film -- posted at: 12:30am UTC |
Fri, 16 October 2020
And so it begins...JBR's long awaited review of Pierce Brosnan's final Bond film, Die Another Day. Join Tom and Chris as they discuss their memories of watching the film at the cinema back in 2002, their perception of the film before and after their latest viewing, and of course, their thoughts on the first act of the film. Topics include the surfboards of Bond, hovercraft action in North Korea, Madonna's timeless classic theme song, 007's adventures in Hong Kong and Havana, and we finish up this week's action with the introduction of everyone's favourite Bond girl, Giacinta "Jinx" Johnson. All this and more on this week's episode of James Bond Radio. *Thanks to Dan Gale for the title image of this week's podcast
Direct download: JBR191-Die-Another-Day-Review-Part-1.mp3
Category:TV/Film -- posted at: 12:30am UTC |
Fri, 9 October 2020
“But James, I need you.” And so begins one of the greatest pre-title sequences in Bond history. This week we’re joined by the one and only Susie Vanner, who played her brief, but essential role in the opening scenes of The Spy Who Loved Me to perfection. In addition to our chat with Susie, Tom & JW talk about the recent news of No Time To Die’s delay to April 2021. November was not enough, so will another 6 months bring us Bondian joy or yet another delay? All this and more on this week’s episode of James Bond Radio. [Susie’s Interview begins at 18:12] Edited by JBR Agent Michael Kirwan. |
Sat, 3 October 2020
Direct download: No_Time_To_Die_delayed_to_April_2021_480p.mp4
Category:TV/Film -- posted at: 9:29am UTC |
Fri, 2 October 2020
JBR Returns after the summer break with a fresh look at all things No Time To Die. We discuss the posters, the trailers, the November release date, the box office potential given the current COVID situation, and speculate on what might happen to the Bond franchise post No Time To Die. If you’ve been avoiding all the trailers and trying to stay as spoiler free as possible, then don’t be afraid. We provide a clear warning once the NTTD discussion begins.
Direct download: JBR189-Catching-Up-With-No-Time-To-Die.mp3
Category:TV/Film -- posted at: 12:30am UTC |